It seemed like last week flew by! This weekend has flown by as well. Yesterday Scott and I started cleaning some stuff out. I cleaned off my desk and we cleaned out the guest bedroom closet. Yay us! We had a tragic event this week...our bird feeder broke! I was very upset to come home one day this week to see the bird feeder lying on the ground on its side. We just bought it in March, and I still had the we took it back to Home Depot and exchanged it for a smaller bird feeder and a bird bath. We have had a few "customers" already on the bird feeder, but none have taken the "plunge" in the bird bath. I'll post pictures of that later in the week...I don't have any yet...shocking, I know.
Anyway, a bunch of us went over to Shana and Josh's house on Saturday evening. It originally started as the girls wanting to get together for scrapbooking, then it grew in the girls getting together for scrapbooking and bringing our guys along to watch whatever game came on TV, then Scott decided to bring his Wii, so it turned into a "the guys will play Wii while the girls scrapbook", and then Josh decided to cook this really good pork shoulder with bacon, ham, and pineapple basted with some sort of marinade. It was really good. I had a lot of fun scrapbooking and the guys seemed to have fun playing Wii and they did end up watching sports too. Shana, Amy, and I got some quality scrapbooking done and Maggie, who doesn't really get into scrapbooking, worked on making a cute stocking for Christmas. Everyone seemed to have a good time and we all enjoyed spending time together. The pictures above are from our party.
I hope everyone else had a good weekend as well. Have a great week!