Thursday, June 26, 2008
Cute Cat Video
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Mi Vida Loca
As most people know, Shana and Josh Stringer are moving to Louisville, KY to attend Southern Seminary (the best seminary in the world according to Pastor Lee). Saturday afternoon, the Lucases, some close friends of Josh and Shana's, helped Dean and Judy throw a going-away party for them at Dean and Judy's house in Talmo, GA (like, up near Gainesville). So, while I was getting fitted, my wonderful husband made the pasta salad that we were going to take. I had time to get home from the dress store, eat a little something for lunch, and put on some make up before Scott and I packed ourselves up and headed to Talmo. I was about to fall asleep in the car on the way up to Talmo, but knew Scott would not be happy if I did. But, once we got there and I started talking with everyone and then we all started playing jump rope, I got a second wind. I really think that Dean and Judy bought those games for the kids...and we let them play some, but mostly we jump roped with the big jump ropes and let the kids play wiffle ball and draw with sidewalk chalk... It was a lot of fun. Andrew and Quinn both did really good jumping rope. Nehemiah was great at it! Several people tried to do double dutch, but no one was exactly successful. The closest was Maggie, who jumped three times, I think.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
This and That
So, I was at Wild Birds Unlimited to make a new purchase that we had been considering for a while (since the last time I was at WBU a month or so ago). I bought a humming bird feeder. I had one before, but it was a little too high maintenance for me. This one is perfect for the lazy bird-watcher. We bought it on Saturday and yesterday we saw a humming bird at the feeder! I was so excited they found it so fast! According to the people at WBU, the humming birds are nesting right now, but once the babies leave the nests around July, we'll have tons of humming birds through early September. I am so excited! The cats seem pretty excited too!
Here's the brown-headed cowbird. I think they are very pretty birds.
I love this picture of this cardinal. You can see the sunflower seed in his mouth. We have a male and female that hang out together all the time, but it's hard to get a picture of them together.
This is the best picture I can get of the common grackle. They are pretty camera shy. But, look at those colors. They are really pretty in the right light. In the wrong light, they look like crows with yellow eyes.
Look at this cute little baby finch! Every year we get a new batch of baby finches. Aw! Isn't he (probably she, actually) cute!
See how many pine warblers we were getting back when it was cold? Do you know if they migrate? Now that I think of it, it seems like we only see yellow birds (goldfinches or pine warblers) when it is cold or just starting to warm up. Hmmmm....oh, my book says that they like insects, but since there aren't many in the winter, they'll come to the feeder in the winter. That makes sense. So, they are probably around, they just don't need us in the summer when we have lots of tasty bugs around.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Laser Show
Here are some pictures from before the show. We ate and talked and the kids played. It was a lot of fun and good fellowship.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Birth Announcement
Just a side note...I have no idea why the picture have that strange white border on the right and bottom, but I did download the pictures from the webmail from work, so I guess something was lost in the translation. I'll fix them tomorrow probably.
Blog Updates
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Tutorial on Deadheading a Gardenia Bush
Please note that the video's sound stops halfway through. This seems to be a blogger issue because it works fine on my computer. So, don't think there's something wrong with your sound!
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Movies and such
I have had a lot of people ask me how I like my job. I like it. It is a totally different environment than anything I have ever experienced before. There are so many types of people there. There are quite a few people that I work with who are democrats, which is interesting. The controller of our company likes to give them a hard's fun to listen. He was giving my neighbor a hard time the other day by asking her questions she couldn't answer about government and politics and my boss and I were trying to work, but all we could do was sit there and listen to see what she would say. There are a lot of people who aren't Christians as well. Everyone is nice, though. When I first started, I was afraid that I really did not have enough work for 40 hours a week. Now, I have a lot more responsibilities and I stay busier. Especially this next couple of weeks; my boss is going to be out of town and he asked me to do a lot of the things he would normally do. But, I would rather be busy than bored. Everyone there is really smart...without even having to work at it. It's crazy.
So, that's our update for now. I hope you are all having a good weekend!