Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I just had a yummy frozen lunch, which is unusual. It was a Smart Ones chicken quesadilla. You should try it. It really does taste as goos as it smells. Again, unusual. Just thought I would share.


Shana Stringer said...

I love those. I don't buy them anymore because they are to expensive for our budgets now. I also like the lean cuisine panini hot sandwiches too. Those go on sale with coupons way more often then the Smart Ones.

Anonymous said...

I eat the Smart Ones and the Lean cuisines all the time. They are easy to just grab out of the freezer in the morning. I try to use a coupon or find them at Wal-Mart when they are on sale for $1.88 each. I especially like the Santa Fe Rice and beans. Good luck with the program.


Carrie said...

I LOVE the Santa Fe Rice and beans!!! Bring your own chips and it is a great meal!!!!